Cinderella II:
The Secret of the Red Shadow Book
and Return of the Witches

A year after their wedding, Cinderella and the prince became the parents of adorable and mischievous twins, and the family lived in love and happiness for seven years. But, one day, the fairy godmother, the king, Cinderella’s father, and Master Bao Wei went on a trip to China, not even suspecting that this would start a series of events that would forever change their lives.


While Cinderella and the prince had a wonderful family and lived in luxury, the old witch’s cat, Blam, eked out a miserable existence. He wandered around the world, ate out of garbage cans and cursed the day the fairy godmother turned the witches to ashes. He was consumed by the wish to return his beloved mistress to life and to take revenge on Cinderella and the fairy godmother.


One day, Blam learns that in the Valley of Eternal Fires, in a cave hidden between the tombs with the bodies of the dead knights of the Red Order, there is a Red Shadow Book, the power of which can resurrect the dead. He sets off on a grueling journey to find the Red Shadow Book, and despite the enormous dangers, the most powerful witchcraft book in the world ends up in his paws. He returns to the kingdom and brings his beloved mistress and her daughters back to life. The witches take on new human appearances, transform the cat into a human, and take over the kingdom.


The magical powers of the glass slippers reveal the true nature of the witches, and the story comes to an unexpected and fantastic end.