The Forgotten Treasure of the World Creators
The Forgotten Treasure
of the World Creators
Unusual creatures called Vairies live in a magical world and from generation to generation pass on the legend of their origins. The legend says that once upon a time, two fairies created them and their world from magical flowers and plants, and put in place magical laws. One day, Vairies broke some of the magical laws, and as a result, evil creatures appeared who waged war on them.
Vairies cannot defeat the evil creatures on their own, they need the help of their creators. But first, they must find them. As they search, they discover the fairies’ magic crystal and their diary, which provide them with valuable information and guidance.
With the fairies’ magic crystal and diary in hand, the queen of Vairies gathers the royal guard and her entourage, and sets off on a perilous journey to find the two fairies.