VR Books

Virtual books are highly engaging virtual reality presentations by the characters in the book who tell the story from their perspective. Most people are accustomed to reading, hearing or watching a fiction presented from the point of view of an author, but here it is distinctly different.


Imagine that any character from the book, positive or negative, could tell you the story as they see it. After all, they were there, they took part in all the action. Certainly, they know what really happened, and maybe even better than the author.


Choose any character and immerse yourself in their version of the virtual reality story. It’s hard to even imagine what a hero or a villain may tell you. You will be drawn in by every unique version of the story, where you will be a participant, moving from one fantastic reality to another.


Who knows what personal secrets the characters will share with you, what adventures you will go on with them and what new things you will discover for yourself.